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The heart of man plans his way, but the L*RD establishes his steps.

Proverb 16:9

I finished my coffee and began my walk to the tram station to ride it to the Asia side of Istanbul. A man came up and asked if I needed help getting the tram card; I was hesitant to say yes because I knew I would end up at his carpet shop, but with an irritable sigh, I said yes. He began walking me to one of the tram card slots and through this walk finds out that I was only planning to use the tram card to go over to Asia for a couple of hours before returning. We stop and he turns to tell me that it’s not worth getting the card for that so instead, he walked me to the ferry location because “it’s more fun that way.” With reluctance, I said yes, all while knowing this was a ploy that would lead me to his carpet shop.

(this is the coffee shop that I left. I had an amazing conversation with a man about a book I was reading. I may write another blog about it.)

(This was the tram I was attempting to take that day. It didn’t happen though.)

My level of irritation began rising almost to the point of me leaving to go and get the card to use for the tram, but something (aka The Great Counselor) was preventing me from following through. As predicted, I did end up at his carpet shop with no desire to buy a carpet. Again, I became irritated, told him I didn’t want a carpet, and I didn’t want tea (traditionally, when entering a shop, they offer you tea and conversation). He ended up convincing me to stay and have tea with him. It was in this interaction that I met Simon*. 

(This is what a typical carpet salesman pitch looks like. They usually bring out some tea to drink as they attempt to convince us to buy a rug.)

Jeh*va-jir*h is the perfect name because He provides me with such an amazing opportunity. In the waiting, Simon and two other women began talking about the difficulties of being away from family. All three were Syrians who left and couldn’t return due to the war. The ladies talked about praying for him to find a way to get to his family. They wanted to pray later for him and it was at this point that my ears perked up. There is only one El Sh*dd*i who will attentively listen to our prayers. Simon needed that El Sh*dd*i, THE G*d Almighty not a g*d who is non-existence and uncaring. So I asked if I could pray with him about getting back with his family. He paused and stared at me for a little bit before saying yes.

Upon finishing my prayer he says, “my face has changed.” He was on the verge of tears as he looked at me and again repeated, “my face has changed.” Simon explained to me that no one had ever prayed FOR and WITH him before. He was excited and continues to ask me to pray for him. What an amazing Ab*a we have that He would choose to use us even when we aren’t all in. He is teaching me to live a truly Interruptible life. 

Thank you, Dad, for teaching me how to truly be interruptible. To live constantly with you at the center. As I make plans, I ask that you take control of them. In your precious and Holy Name, I pray, Amen.

*Name has been altered for protection and privacy*

3 responses to “Learning the Discipline of Interruptibility”

  1. Great reminder that we all need to be attentive to those times we need to stop and spend time with those He puts in our path! Love Mom

  2. I love this story, Jacken, and I love that you have a heart for our Father and furthering His kingdom! He is using you in mighty ways!

  3. I love this! Thank you for being willing to lay down your own plans and step into partnership with what the Father had for you; it inspires and encourages us to do the same!