“What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go in search of the one that went astray?”
“Georgia will be a month of ATL” – An SQL
At the sound of this minds began racing, prayers were already being lifted up, and research was being done. Excitement was in the air because of the freedom being offered. A month of where we get to Ask the Lord (ATL) what he wants us to do and then doing it, that is scary, fun, exciting, weird, and very different. For my team, we came together and sat down, a week before we were leaving for Georgia, and began seeking out what God had. I wish I had written down everything God revealed to us because it would allow me to go back and see how God showed up. Thankfully my teammate, Aaron, did that and wrote a blog about it; please check it out here.
The general idea that God had for my team was unity and then specifically leaving the ninety-nine for the one. So that’s what we continued to pray into, and through that God revealed to us that a trek in the mountains of Georgia was our destination for the month. We learned about the specific trail through personal interactions. Our goal was to go from Omalo to Shatili with enough time to rest in Tbilisi before our next team changes.
The trek was beautiful, pictures below, but also so difficult. God asked us to move forward even when it didn’t make sense, He provided for us on a regular basis, and He wrecked us with His Spirit regularly. Jehova was taking us through a journey unlike one I have ever done. I plan to take you through that journey through these upcoming blogs and hopefully you’ll see that our desire to find the one never changed.
The beauty of our trek had already captivated us and we had barely even begun our journey. This was simply the drive to our starting point and it was already displaying the majesty and beauty of our God. Georgia was so gorgeous!
The journey that we were about to embark on started on this beautiful path. We overlooked the beauty of Lower Omalo one last time before picking up our packs and going. Look below to see what we saw.
This was what we saw, the pure beauty of and majesty of our King!
This country is beautiful but what I find more beautiful is your teams heart for the one! Keep on ??? your momma
*Keep on 100%! Your momma
It’s so beautiful! Thanks for sharing your journey!!!
I love reading your blog, I feel like I’m taking the journey with you.