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Thoughts & Inspiration

Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.

Proverbs 27:5-6

I started the World Race with my defense raised against girls coming into my life. I had allowed the pains from my past to follow me and prevent me from fully living in the moment. I rarely allowed a girl to openly love me by calling me higher; I didn’t see it as love but as an attack. So you can imagine how quickly my defense rose when a girl with bold faith, confidence, and voice attempted to step into my life. Matter of fact, my defenses rose so early, I avoided her, knowing that she would push past all my excuses, call me higher, and use the commanding (yet loving) voice to do it. 

Her name is Katie, and she has been a huge example for me! I have learned so much from watching, listening, and being with her. I attempted to avoid her, yet God had a plan to bring her into my life to help me grow. Whether it was learning a new form of worship, or seeing the beauty and softness within a loud and commanding voice, or seeing how a leader steps aside to allow God to take over, Katie was an example anyone could follow. 

Her heart is to please and serve God, and that comes out very clearly in the way she worships, loves, and leads. I have loved having her as my squad leader. I praise God that He brought her on this race and allowed me to call her friend! She is no longer on the race, as she has raised up a new squad leader to take her place, so I thought I would show you some of my favorite moments of her. 

(This was a beautiful moment of her seeking prayer, not from someone in leadership but from a fellow sister, who happens to now be a team lead.)

(This has been by far one of my favorite moments of Katie. She was truly worshiping and praising God, and He just allowed me to capture the beautiful moment He was having with His daughter.)

It’s amazing; even as I write this, I can hear her laugh in my head. This was the moment when she had a great time laughing and being ridiculous with God. (Katie’s smile and laugh are contagious! You can read about this one on her blog page; go check it out.)

You never know who God will use to change your life for the better. In my case, it was a bold, confident, loving, and loud individual who I thought I could avoid for five months; who is He trying to use in your life?

Thank you so much, Father, for giving us unexpected gifts. You are sovereign and see things beyond us. You are infinite and all-powerful, yet so personal. Thank you for giving me Kati as a friend, a leader, and an example. May you bless her, and keep her, let your face shine upon her and be glorified. Amen!



3 responses to “Bold, Confident, Loving, and Loud”

  1. AAHHHH!!! I am so honored to be a part of i squad and a part of your race, Jacken! Can’t wait to see all that God does throughout the rest of your time on the field!