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We made it to Guatemala, and we are all excited and ready for this adventure to begin. As I have been reading “Kingdom Journeys” I realize that we all have been restless for this adventure. Restlessness is great when it has the proper outlet, and the world race is a great outlet. 

Many of us have been either brought back from the race or have been delayed many times. When travel day came, we all were excited but I also felt bad for our Logistics people. They had a lot to handle that day. Enjoy our fiasco of getting all 28 of us on a flight.

You may think that I am always capturing everyone else, and sometimes they don’t know it, but they also capture me off guard too.


 God, allow the journey forward to be full of You and Your splendor. Let us enjoy the journey you send us and not just the destination. Thank you for blessing us always, and may we glorify you in all that we say, do and think! Amen!

3 responses to “It’s Like Herding Racer!!”

  1. Grateful the squad has made it to Guatamala. Can’t wait to hear all the stories of God showing Himself faithful too you!

  2. Hey Jacken! Your pics are great! I have to say (dad is my witness) that I gasped with glee when I saw your “off guard” picture. Have to say I probably won’t use it as a screensaver pic though ha! Praying every day for you, Team Lightning, and I Squad. Miss and love you!