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“Are you really trying to send people to different countries during the pandemic?!”


“Are you sure this is wise?”


“Will you actually be able to go?”


Adventures in Missions is a nonprofit organization focused on discipling the way Jesus disciples; meaning, they want to do what Jesus did with his disciples, which we see a clear example in Matthew 10:5-13. Jesus sends out his 12 to go on a Kingdom Journey; which is what AIM (Adventures in Missions) desires to send people on, even in the pandemic. This doesn’t mean they’re being foolish about sending us out. Below you’ll see my squad and our preparation to leave.


Below you’ll see us waiting for our covid test. We had fun while waiting to get a cotton swab thing jabbed up our nose. from left to right and top to bottom, we have Lynneal, Josiah, Scottie, Jackie, Victoria, and Jenn.




Then we have Justin, Madison, Paula, Aaron, and Abbey.



 Though it isn’t the whole squad, we have some more. The bottom left is Antoinette, Mary Grace in the middle bottom, and Jenna in the bottom right. They all enjoyed their picture being taken, lol.



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